today i come up with one more business idea with very low investment for employed of my facebook friend was searching for this idea and i have knowledge about this i think about it and write this complete blog post.if you are thinking of small business idea with low investment than must try.
in this summer,tempreture goes very high and hit the environment.most of people you may see roadside drinking juice,lassi ,soda and cold drinks in india.the big impact of my idea is that you can employ a people who is in search of job.all you need
20000 Rs to start a road side soda shop.
what you need to start a road side soda shop?
1.A person who can manage roadside cart (find a good one from slum area or a person who is working at someone's shop or laari.)
2.a four wheel cart (find good one from local market or from OLX ,quikr)
3.a mineral water,fresh lemon,masala for soda, molted and boiled sugar,plastic glass,a soda maker (cost you only rs.1800-rs.2500)
How much profit Lies in Road Side Soda ?
Now calculate profit in road side soda shop.a average lemon anywehere in india cost near to rs.10 to rs.20 depend upon area and quality.
a lemon soda making process contains
1 lemon = rs.1 or rs.2
1 regular soda = 0.80 paisa to rs.2
masala and molted sugar = rs.1to rs.2
plastic bowl = rs.1 to rs.2
so total cost rs.6 maximum and rs.4 minimum
means you can earn rs.6 per lemon soda by selling it roadside.on average a roadside lemon soda seller sells 100 soda,so total profit by day is rs.600 .monthly total profit is 18000 rs.
if you employ a people for your roadside lemon soda shop and offer them rs.6000 month even though you can beg 10000-12000 rs a month.This is most profitable business in can try with rs.20000 only.many people who are working in manufacturing and IT industry can start this business easily and learn a lesson of enterpreneurship with very little money.
Superb Concept :)