Nowadays,so many youngster and school students come up with blog and website,thanks to IIN and high speed internet in india.after making blog most of people find a monetization method,first method comes to everyone is adsense.There are tons of different methods to make money with blog like affiliate marketing,text link ads ,popup ads,sponsored posts and reviews.You can combine any method with your blog for more revenue.
if you blog in any niche and want to make money than i recommend you one of the easy method is monetize your blog with infolinks ads.Best part of this program is you can make money in auto pilot mode without doing any thing.all you need to do is just refer as much person as you can.You will earn 10% of amount for 12 months of revenue of your referral.You can promote this program via social media,blog posts and any thing can make passive income with this program.
How Does infolinks affiliate Referral Program Work?
Big internet advertising companies offers various types of advertising options to webmaster and blogger and spread revenue.You can join any network to become a publisher and make extra money with your blog.You get percentage of their monthly ad revenue for a some time or for life time.
So many bloggers who have blogs in music niche,lyrics blog or picture blog uses infolinks and they know that its a great way to make money along with adsense.
i recommend every blogger to join infolinks referral program to make extra $$$ without any hard work and best part of this referral program is you make extra $$$ every months for upcoming 12 months.
What is a Infolinks?
infolinks is a big internet advertising company in the area of in-text advertising network and its considered as a alternative to GOogle adsense.Lots of bloggers use infolinks on their blog networks to maximize revenue with adsense.the best part of infolinks is that it may work along with any network including google adsense.
Infolinks ad formats
- in-text
- in-tag
- in-frame
- in-fold
- in-screen ads
Infolinks Referral Program – Overview:
first question comes to about infolinks referral program is that ,you think why you have to refer people? just assume that you refer 10 person and if every person is making $100 than
$100 per person X 10 people = $1000
10% of $1000 = $100
so you earn $100 per month by just refer 10 person,you can refer as many as you can.
How Can You Promote Your Infolinks Referral Link?
There are a lot of methods for promoting your referral link and refer more publishers/bloggers to Infolinks. some best methods to promote infolinks is write a review on blog,display ad banner ,etc.
Promote links on facebook groups,fb wall post.
Give answer on quora for monetization methods for blog.
Post links on twitter .
When you attach income proof in your review article of your blog, it shows trust and people will know that the program actually pays money to you and is not just a scam.
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