Friday, January 23

How to start a eBay store from scratch and make money?

Author Keyur Savaliya
How to start a eBay store from scratch and make money?

As a student or employee ,every one thinking about make extra bucks with part time jobs,network marketing or online works like freelancing or blogging.

If you are in love of trading and selling than eBay can be your girlfriend,really.
Buying and selling online on eBay is one of the easiest way to make extra money from your android phone,home and laptop.

Here I will share step by step guide to setup your first online shop ,just follow rules,research well about trending product and got a success.

1.Make a account with
2.Fill your details including pan card no. And bank account no. With valid ifsc code.
3.list your products with minimum 3 pics and product description.
4.add extra notes below product description like we ship only via India post or any thing else.
5.First time list 5 products like pen,pencils or any thing else.
6.tell your 5 close friend to buy this product from their eBay account. Also tell them to write a positive review about product ,in order to increase your value as a newbie seller.
7.after 5 successful transaction, your door open wide to eBay. its time to list 50+ products in a single day.
9.add your shipping policy and price.
10.always list light weight and profitable product to earn huge profit.

Top products to sell on eBay india

All types agri seeds
Handicrafts around you
Water purifier parts
Hand made snacks
Industrial parts
Wooden gift article
Handcars chief
Men's fashion jewelry
Woman's fashion jewelry
Famous food of your city

How to source products to sell on eBay India?

Many people don't know how to source quality product at cheap rate. Am I right!
I have previous experience in sourcing from internet because of my job and my brothers business.

I tell you some secrets,,
Find mfg. Or importer from trade directory like indiamart or alibaba.
Send them detail e- mail and phone call.
Find products from local markets too.
Also search for product mfg. Via Google search.
There is a specific area for each products like most of saree's and cotton dress are majority mfged in Surat,Gujarat.
Also ask local traders to source products.
Search in quora too could be one of the best way to source products.

Make money by selling soft copy of information

One fine day, I was surfing eBay products randomly .I came to know about one products which was available to purchase for only Rs 1.00

The seller sold almost 234 unit sell.that product was a agriculture information chart for a crop.

You can sell such a product if your product is need of someone.all you need to do is list your product on eBay,market your product via pintrest boards,fb pages and other social media and blog post.


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